What We Are About

FootPrint Coaching and Consulting has ONE aim






Hi, I’m Gehan and I am one of the founders of Footprint Coaching and Consulting, with my beautiful wife Marisa.

We have some core values that drive us and make us who we are:

  • We love working with organizations and together achieving fulfilling results.
  • We love connecting with people and helping them thrive in complex organizational structures and systems.
  • We believe in the application of coaching in leadership across organizations to create a sustainable legacy.
  • We value our health and well-being and enjoy being very active.
  • We want to build a solid financial platform to ensure our kids have a brilliant foundation for their futures

In the 90’s we both worked in senior corporate roles, in dynamic business environments, but realized we weren’t as fulfilled as we wanted to be. We also realized that some of our core values were not being addressed.

“So we decided the best way to meet our values was to setup our own consulting practice focused on working with organizations. The tricky bit was what we were going to offer? After a bit of soul searching and a lot of additional study, we realized we had to focus on our passions and what we were good at.FootPrint Coaching” – Marisa

So what are we good at?

  • We are both great listeners
  • We are both pretty smart and we can process a range of issues flying at us quickly
  • We seem to quickly build rapport with people
  • We both have knack of making people feel comfortable and able to share the things that hold them back
  • We see the strengths and potential in others
  • We have strong integrity and commercial acumen
  • We both love new technology and trying to use it to better our lives

As we identified our strengths, we realized we really had one choice – help develop people. So we started coaching, mentoring and performing leadership development consulting assignments with many varied organizations in Australia. That was 13 years ago and we’re still doing it, so we must be doing something right.

More recently, we also realized that although organizations highly value coaching and mentoring, they only provide it to 5% of their organization – does this mean 95% of their organization is performing brilliantly? Not usually. However, we realized that the people development services market must be seen as pretty expensive and/or difficult to justify.

This is a shame, because successful companies all rely on energized, competent and focused human beings. And every human being will be more productive and content if they constantly learn and adapt and are playing to their strengths.

So we have now shifted our focus to provide “scalable people development” – this simply means finding ways to either:

  1. Offer people development programs and tools that cost significantly LESS per employee than traditional solutions
  2. Provide companies with a way to MEASURE the impact or ROI from people development initiatives – this way, companies can justify spending more on people development, because the business case STACKS UP


Thank you for taking the time to check us out and reading how we are making our mark in the world. If you would like to get in touch, connect with us.


Connect with Gehan on LinkedIn.

Connect with Marisa on LinkedIn.

Want more information?  Contact Us